Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Knights share camaraderie with men who hold values similar to yours. Knights are involved with your community; they support your local Catholic Church and its causes, while deepening their faith; and they believe in protecting and enhancing their family life. The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic lay organization with more than 1.9 million members in 15,342 councils located throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Poland, and several other countries.
In today’s world, many Catholic men are looking to fulfill their desire to spend a meaningful life with their family, to serve their community and the Church, and to grow in their faith. Joining the Knights of Columbus provides these men and their families with volunteer opportunities and activities that accomplish their goals. If you are such a man who is dedicated to making a difference, then membership in the Knights of Columbus is for you. Additionally, the Knights of Columbus also offers a portfolio of top-quality life insurance, long term care, and annuity products exclusively for members and their families.
Together, members of the Knights of Columbus improve their world through remarkable achievements and staggering numbers such as:
Joseph Gorman
Matthew Doyle
James Link
Kevin Bradley
Gary Frick
Jack Deemer
Robert DelGrosso
William Mackey
Louis Rombach
Chris Carlson
Tom Yarmolyk
Eric Lowman
Anthony Polito
Fr. Michael Carrier
Eugene Rudder
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