Special Olympics Delaware (SODE) utilizes sports as a platform to create life-changing experiences for those involved or touched by our program.
Ronald McDonald House Charities is an independent American nonprofit organization whose stated mission is to create, find, and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children.
Blood Bank of Delmarva’s mission is to serve our community by meeting the needs of patients, hospitals, and donors for safe, high quality blood products and related services.
The Nun Run 5K raises funds for the Sisters to care for the needy aged in the Delmarva area, in the Jeanne Jugan Residence.
At the VA Wilmington Healthcare System, our expert health care teams focus on your needs and the needs of other Veterans, your families, and caregivers.
Birthright is a non-profit organization providing free, confidential and professional counseling as well as practical assistance to women facing an untimely pregnancy.
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